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Chapter 1: The Magic Castle
Chapter 1: The Magic Castle Foyer
Chapter 1: The face on the Shroud of Turin.
Chapter 3: The STURP Investigation
Chapter 3: The STURP Investigation
Chapter 3: The STURP Investigation
Chapter 6: Cafe Gihon, Madrid
Chapter 6: Early Depictions of Jesus
Chapter 8: Edessa
Chapter 8: The Image of Edessa in Constantinople
Chapter 8: The Iconographic Theory
Chapter 8: Negative of the Face on the Shroud
Chapter 8: Sinai Pantocrator Icon
Chapter 8: Sinai Pantocrator Overlay
Chapter 10: Oviedo Cathedral
Chapter 10: Oviedo Diocese Offices
Chapter 11: Monsacro
Chapter 12: Route of the Shroud
Chapter 12: Route of the Sudarium
Chapter 14: Camara Santa
Chapter 14: Camara Santa
Chapter 14: Sudarium of Oviedo
Chapter 14: Sudarium and Shroud
Chapter 14: Sudarium Overlay
Chapter 14: Pointed Wounds
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